SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe.

88-94 Boylan St.
Newark, NJ 07106
July 6, 2021

Young Disciples Future Leaders Foundation

Our Mission is to provide general and special education, care, and growth during the developmental stages of children.
Young Disciples Future Leaders Foundation was established in June 2021 as a 501c3 Non-profit by founder, Aneesah Glanton-Ross in Union and opened our first location in Newark, NJ. The Foundation was formulated to establish relationships and provide resources, funding, support, and information in the educational arena, and to provide socio-economic development and assistance throughout the region.
We work to collaborate and partner with organizations and agencies in the community to contribute to future economic growth and support in the educational school systems throughout Essex County, NJ. Young Disciples Future Leaders Foundation provides an opportunity to network with stakeholders and community leaders to build much-needed relationships that offer local resources, viable assistance, community service, and information to make a measurable impact.
Our specific objectives and purpose of Young Disciples Future Leaders Foundation shall include:
Raising funds to give back to the families in the community via donations, community service, provide information, education, empowerment, mentorship, assistance with socio-economic challenges, and more.
To spread awareness and preventative measures
To provide and/or coordinate education, through seminars, meetings, one-on-one conversations, and social media regarding ways to care for families in need.
To do any other act or service incidental to or connected with or not inconsistent with the foregoing purposes as permitted under the NJ Non-profit Corporation Act.